Birchbox Review ★★★★☆

Hi guys and gals and everything in between and outwith!

So last week I was feeling a little blue and decided to buy myself a treat, a gift from me to me if you will.

I’ve been toying with the idea of reviewing subscription boxes for a while and I had my eye on this one so I thought I’d write a little review.


The inside of the box looked like this:


The packaging is adorable, but the box is a lot smaller than I thought it would be, I’m actually surprised they manage fit so many products inside.


Because of my ‘gift from me to me’ mentality in buying the box I thought it would be a little bit like unwrapping a gift but it was actually more like a tiny drawer which I loved. If you’re into repurposing things this would be fab for storage.


There were a lot of products inside, they weren’t full size, but they also weren’t so small that you would only get one use out of them.

I will say that regardless of size Birchboxes are amazing value for money; they are £12.95 a month and the products add up to far more than that (although the prices below are for full-size products not the smaller testers that I got in the box). Also from other reviews I’ve read I gather that you get more testers as you receive more boxes and you get rewards for reviewing products on the website!

I love to judge things, and I love a bargain. Win-win situation.

So I’ll take you on a review odyssey of the things that were in the box!

The ModelCo Contour Stick £13.00  ★★★★☆


I found this surprisingly smooth and easy to blend. I’m a diehard fan of powder contour; I just find it quicker, easier and harder to make mistakes with. But it was quick to apply, and simple and fast to blend. Definitely a fantastic everyday contour stick. My only criticism is that it was very subtle (which I liked) but if you’re going for a deeper contour I would suggest building it up or going over it with a dark powder.

ecoTools Contour Perfecting Applicator £5.99  ★★★★☆


I have used some ecoTools products before and I enjoyed them even if I found they didn’t last that long. I find sponges blend makeup better and I enjoyed how tapered this was -it’s perfect for blending in concealer under eyes and I liked that it was quite small and had a handle. It was very user friendly and I would definitely recommend it. Its only downfall is that I initially thought this would be a full length tool, whereas this is more travel size, and while that is fine, I do prefer full length brushes more when I am applying makeup.

Number 4 Lumiere d’Hiver Super Comb Prep and Protect £26.25  ★☆☆☆☆


I have very thin hair, but I have a lot of it so I always use a leave-in conditioner because if I don’t my hair matts. I didn’t enjoy using this one. I didn’t like the smell, and while it didn’t leave my hair sticky like some leave-in conditioners do, it didn’t make my hair any easier to brush or moisturise the ends. I wouldn’t recommend this product.

Balance Me Pure Skin Face Wash £16.00  ★★★☆☆


I have combination and sensitive skin so I usually stick to Lush products because I find them effective but gentle. However this face wash didn’t agitate my skin at all. A little dab of it goes a long way too so despite the small bottle this should last a while. My skin also felt noticeably less oily afterwards but not too dry. My only complaint is the smell; it smelled quite peppery and a little bitter. I’d use this again but breathe through my nose.

Anatomicals Grab Your Melons Shower Gel £1.50  ★★★★★

I love this product. It smells divine; really fresh and sweet. It was cool on my skin and left me feeling clean. It also comes with a guide to check your breasts for lumps and bumps. It smells good and it’s health conscious! I would really recommend this product, I enjoyed using it and will definitely buy it again.

All in all I really enjoy the Birchbox. It felt like a little gift and I got to try lots of new products I wouldn’t usually buy. Some of the products were a bit hit-and-miss but that’s to be expected. Also keep in mind that even negative reviews mean you get free samples so Birchbox is definitely open to improvements. Overall this is great value for money and  I would recommend it.

Thank you for reading! If you liked this review and want to make me smile hit the like button and if you want to make me really happy you can hit the follow button. 🙂

Happy Bonfire Night!

14 thoughts on “Birchbox Review ★★★★☆

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  1. Thanks for following! This post caught my eye as I used to be a subscriber to Birchbox, but after about 6 months I unsubscribed as the contents became quite repetitive. I’ll admit a few of the times in recent boxes have made me want to subscribe again, but then there are only so many bottles of hand lotion a girl can own! I think if they included more makeup, or made each box slightly more tailored to the recipient, they’d be better value! 🤔


      1. Yeah, I’ve been looking at other boxes for the New Year, I don’t mind paying a bit more for full size/better variation, and I do miss the surprise gift to me in the post! 😊
        Thanks! I love yours too! I’ve just read your Nando’s post, that’s given me a good giggle! 😊


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