A Wander Through Montreal

If you tuned into my blog for posts about exploring Montreal and how it feels to experience a year abroad in a positive way, then congrats! For once, instead of crying over my lack of direction or panicking that my new room smells like mouldy bananas, has hastily covered up red writing on the walls... Continue Reading →

Let’s talk about me again

Yup it's me, talking about myself again. Shocker. Ok so, my mum has now left, I am fully moved into my uni accommodation, and (surprise of the century) I have done basically nothing since friday. Now I should clarify that there have been some genuinely amazing moments this weekend, despite me basically being stuck laptop... Continue Reading →

Scottish girl in a Canadian World

Hello party people (yes you, sitting on your laptop in your pyjamas in the middle of summer)! Welp, I have arrived in Montreal! The journey over was uncomfortable at best, I was pretty much sandwiched between my mum and a manspreader- I'm sorry but nobody's balls are as big as this man thought his were. Then... Continue Reading →

Back to the Future

Wow! A lot's happened since I last posted! First things first, I passed my driving test! This has been a personal goal of mine for a couple of years and after multiple attempts I think the driving examiner, who is notoriously strict, was as happy to see me pass as I was. My job has... Continue Reading →


I just thought that I would apologise for my lack of blog posts, but in my defence it has been a truly boring few weeks. Well...if you ignore politics and Taylor Swift. I have decided that when I get to Canada I'll blog a little more, specifically about Montreal etc, and maybe about the Edinburgh... Continue Reading →

Why I hate being a Millennial

If you thought that my life was always fun, you didn't read my blog title. Now before I start my rant I should acknowledge that I am an extremely privileged person. My parents are reasonably wealthy, I had the best education that money can buy; I've never gone hungry, I've always had a roof over... Continue Reading →

How not to be a twat on a train

What not to do on train journeys; this, for once, is not about something stupid I did (although there will be plenty of that later, don't you worry). I am actually really good on train journeys- it's my one shining talent. I never book busy trains, I'm always early, I don't bring stinky food, I always... Continue Reading →

Guilt Trip

Well- that's it! I've finished my exams, and gotten some actual REM sleep so my brain in fully functional; and between all the pre-celebratory gin and tonics (none of my friends are done yet so the big summer blowout will commence next week), I made room for a little bit of guilt. I'm a little... Continue Reading →

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